



“Ashley is a fabulous tutor. She answers all my questions and is very easy to communicate with!”

-Paige M., College General Chemistry


GEMS Vault Tutoring

GEMS Vault Tutoring Services

My primary goal of education is to teach in such a way that the learner grasps the significance of what is learned, and apply said knowledge in the future – both in other coursework and life outside the classroom.

Through GEMS Vault, we help you develop your academic abilities through:

  • Setting specific and measurable learning goals that is tailored to you to increase the chances of understanding content and succeeding in a course

  • Engaging in constructive meaning making and encouraging the transfer of learning in new situations

  • Assessing understanding and providing effective and timely feedback to improve self-efficacy 



“Ashley says ‘We can do this!’ and I'm trying to believe this and remember ‘I can do this!’”

-Andrea B., College Algebra and Trigonometry